
Admissions open for Axis Vidyashram

Admissions have now open for Dhangadhi’s best ranked school, Axis! Admissions will open from Baisakh 15 2079. Currently, entrance exams are set to take place on the 23rd of Baisakh. Please hurry up as there are only limited seats available. Every year, we have had to turn down multiple guardians from admitting their kids because we lacked space and capacity. We are currently expanding our buildings to accommodate more kids.

Here at Axis, we believe in गुणस्तरीय शिक्षा सबैका लागी। We offer generous scholarships for all qualified students. Please come talk to us if financial aid and scholarship are of concern to you! To learn more, please visit our Scholarship Page. 

Admissions now open for Axis Vidyashram: Grades PG to 9



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